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Our Process


Hello, I am Zach Dana. I have been passionate about estate planning for over a decade. Me and my team have helped thousands of families create an estate plan at my other firm, Dana Law Group, LLC. Dana Law Group is a traditional estate planning law firm and most interactions are live and face-to-face with a lawyer. While I think this is the best way to create an estate plan, it can also be costly because it requires a lot of attorney time. Over my career, I have noticed that some individuals prefer to create an estate plan with the focus of it being more a product, and less as a service. These clients generally see value in a quality estate plan and want some oversight or support from an attorney but maybe are already educated in the gist of estate planning or are willing to spend time learning in video or already published materials or are willing to minimize attorney time to achieve cost savings.  If you don’t hire Dana Law Group, LLC for estate planning or probate services, please instead allow me to be your TurboLawyer.